Tir oddi ar Heol Martin, Eglwysbach
Caer | 01244 621 007
Conwy | 01492 581 800
We have specialists who provide a range of impact assessments to accompany planning applications, including Welsh Language Impact Assessments, Welsh Language Statements, Heritage Impact Assessments Retail Impact Assessments and Economic Impact Assessments. Additionally, where matters such as Transport Impact Assessment, Noise Impact Assessment, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment and others are required we have a team of Associates who we work closely with to ensure that we can provide you with all that's needed for your project.
The Welsh language is a material planning consideration in Wales and it isn't uncommon for proposals to be subject to Welsh Language Impact Assessments and Welsh Language Statements to assess their potential effects on Welsh language and culture and the community.
Our specialists have a wealth of experience in preparing Welsh Language Impact Assessments/Statements for developments which range from single dwelling, rural exception sites, small, medium and major residential, commercial, retail and mixed use developments.